India traveljournal

Experiences,thoughts, frustrations and happy moments from a 6 month trip around India.

Tuesday, October 30, 2001

Gurdwara and Connough Place

Yesterday was pretty hectic, it felt like we walked for miles and it also feels like I have been here for weeks and I have only been here 2 days!! (...weird)

Anyway, about yesterday:
In the afternoon we went to Connought Place, because we wanted to see this Sikh temple (gurdawara) nearby, that was supposed to be very nice. However we couldn't find it for a long time. In the end we met some Sikh guys and they were actually on there way to the temple so they let us come along, they even got us in through some kind of back entrance.

I didn't really know much about Sikhism beforehand, but from what I learned there it sounds like an interesting religion/philosophy. They believe that all religions worship the same God and seemed to believe in human equality, despite of race or religion. Well I don't remember exactly, but I got the impression that this was the essence. I got a booklet, but I left it at the house, might write some from it later;)

Even the traffic light tells you to relax - this is India !

We were really hungry after all this walking business, so after visiting the gurdawara we went to this really 'dingy' hole in the wall cafe. Although it looked like you would die from dysentery just from sitting down there, we sat down anyway and the food was actually good. We didn't get sick far...atleast :)

Actually I would like to get out of Delhi soon, but since my Visa card was stolen in London, I have to either wait here for a new visa card to arrive or travel and then return to Delhi in about a weeks time to pick it up. Every time I call the Embassy they say it should be here soon, so I have decided to wait a bit more. Oh well, time is running out, don't want to spend all my time stuck in an Internet place, so I better get out. Sally is off getting some malaria remedies, so we just have the day by ourselves, which I think is really good. I need some breathing space:)