India traveljournal

Experiences,thoughts, frustrations and happy moments from a 6 month trip around India.

Saturday, February 16, 2002

Om, Halfmoon and Paradise

Still on the beach, having a great time so far. Yesterday I went for a walk with Ruben (the Dutch guy) to "Halfmoon beach" & "Paradise Beach". Each is about 20 minutes walks away from each other.

We were sooooo hot when we reached halfmoon and the beach was beautiful and hardly any people, so we went swimming. We stayed a long while on halfmoon and after a while Karsten, a German guy I met in Auroville came walking past. He was on his way to Paradise Beach to find Tal, one of the American guys. We also went there a bit later and found them both there. I Keep running into the same people all the time now. Everyone have more or less the same route.

Today most of the Israelis left, because there is supposed to be a party in Goa. Hehe, it looks like all they do down here is smoke and party?